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OpenGate System Implementation: Phase Two
Hannah Nash

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during the initial roll out of the OpenGate weapons detection systems at recent athletic events. The response from our parents and community has been overwhelmingly positive. This has provided us with the opportunity to provide training for our staff with these devices and get them adjusted to the process. We are now ready to begin expanding their use and start moving them into our school buildings. 

Over the next several weeks, we will start the second phase of our OpenGate systems. These devices will be in use at the entrances of all of our middle and high schools. First Flight High School has already begun using them and we are hoping to build on their lessons learned. The final rollout will include our elementary schools at a later date. 

To ensure a smooth and efficient process, we kindly ask for your assistance with the following:

  • Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before the tardy bell until everyone becomes familiar with the new procedure 
  • Have Chromebooks, 3-ring binders, glasses cases, and any tin cases removed from your book bag or purse. Be ready to pass these items to a staff member before walking through the OpenGate devices. 

Experience has shown that we can anticipate some delays during the first few days as everyone becomes familiar with the new procedure. However, once students and staff adjust to the process, the delays become less frequent and minimal. 

Thank you for your continued support in helping us maintain a safe school environment.